What is a palatoplasty?


Surgical reconstruction or repair of the palate.


Palatoplasty is frequently undertaken in infants with cleft palates.

- When surgery for cleft lip has previously taken place at around three months of age.

- The palate is repaired usually around nine to 12 months old to allow adequate healing for normal speech development at around 18 months.

Other reasons for reconstruction of the palate are:

Velopharyngeal insufficiency due to paralysis

Velopharyngeal inadequacy


- The type of procedure performed usually depends on factors such as severity of the defect and anatomical details, as determined via detailed examination:

Nasal flaps – used to fill gaps by rotating local flaps (often done for unilateral clefts where one part of the palate is underdeveloped/ absent),

Pharyngeal flaps and intravelar implants

Alternative Names

Cleft palate surgery

Palate surgery

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