How to Make Benzoin Absolute
Things You'll Need
- Benzoin tree
- Container
- Alcohol
- Extracting unit
- Ethanol
- Pot
- Stove
Cut the bark on the benzoin tree to cause the sap to run out, and collect the sap in a container. The sap will eventually harden.
Add a hydrocarbon solvent to dissolve the essential oil. Add pure alcohol to the mixture. The alcohol evaporates, and the essential oil remains.
Load the extracting unit with the dried sap. The extracting unit will use the hydrocarbon solvent to dissolve the plant material. This material is then filtered and subjected to low pressure distillation. This extracts the waxes, pigments and highly volatile organic aromatic materials. The solution is filtered and the distillation process continues, recovering the solvent. A waxy mass is left behind -- containing as much as 55 percent of the volatile oil.
Heat the concentrate in a pot, over a stove, and stir it with ethanol to break up the concentrate into globules. The alcohol helps make the aromatic molecules more soluble.
Freeze the solution at around -30 degrees Fahrenheit, to allow the wax to precipitate.