Homemade Body Massage Oils
Essential oils are distilled from various parts of plants and trees; such as roots, flowers and seeds. Never apply essential oils directly on the skin, as they are highly potent. Instead, dilute essential oils with carrier oils to slow down the rate of evaporation and to aid absorption.
Different essential oils serve different purposes. Carrier oils, also known as base oils, are essentially vegetable oils made from seeds and nuts. The choice of carrier oils depends on the skin type and the amount of traction desired for the massage. Examples of carrier oils include sweet almond, grapeseed, canola, sunflower, olive, sesame, coconut, jojoba and avocado oil.
Relaxing Body Massage Blend
Stress and the demands of life can cause the muscles to tense-up. Certain essential oils can induce relaxation and allay anxiety; such as clary sage, geranium, lavender, carnation, neroli, sandalwood and ylang ylang. Try this simple relaxation blend by combining 12 drops of lavender essential oil, 10 drops of bergamont essential oil, 2 drops of clary sage essential oil and 1/4 cup of sweet almond oil.
Energizing Massage Blend
An energizing body massage blend can lift your spirits and relieve muscle tension. Examples of energizing essential oils include peppermint, rosemary, grapefruit, spearmint, lemon, basil and tangerine essential oils. This energizing blend includes 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 5 drops of spearmint essential oil and 2 tbsp. of coconut oil.
Sensuous Massage Blend
Some essential oils are capable of arousing senses to peak sensuality. Look for sandalwood, ylang ylang, patchouli, ginger, rose, jasmine and clary sage to create a romantic feeling. This recipe calls for 7 drops of patchouli essential oil, 2 drops of sandalwood oil with 2 drops of jasmine and 10 drops of grapeseed oil.
Combine massage oils and store them in dark blue or brown colored glass bottles. You can buy these bottles at health food stores. Store these bottles in a cool dark place to prolong the massage oil's shelf life. Warm it slightly before applying to promote skin absorption: It also helps to relax the muscles.