How to Make Tea Tree Extract

Tea tree oil is extracted from the plant Melaleuca alternifolia, a species native to Australia and South Africa. It is used as a medicinal in aromatherapy treatments and alternative medicine for everything from colds to skin disorders. The healing oil is extracted from the plant through a process of either steam or water distillation. To safely extract the oil you must have the proper equipment. This ensures the best quality oil and safe heating methods. A condenser tube rapidly cools the hot steam being emitted. This is an industrial glass cylinder with a small internal tube and a centralized glass bulb that help the gas and liquid passing through cool. It attaches to a still or large metal vat for water distillation, or a series of glass bowls in steam distillation.

Things You'll Need

  • Steam distiller
  • Still
  • Condenser tube
  • Glass collection beaker
  • Dried tea tree plants
  • Fresh tea tree plants
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  1. Steam Distiller

    • 1

      Fill the bottom jar of the steam distiller with water. Some of the steam is released via a hole in the side of the jar. This ensures that the pressure does not build up so much that it causes an explosion. Fill the top jar to the brim with the dried tea tree plant.

    • 2

      Attach the top jar to the bottom using the clamp and the attachment between the two bowls, the narrow of which creates the pressure necessary to push the steam through the dried plant and force the oils upward through the collection tube.

    • 3

      Attach the condenser tube to the top using a heat-resistant attachment such as plastic. A complete set of steam distillation equipment will come with the necessary attachments.

    • 4

      Attach the free end of the condenser tube to the collection beaker. Glass is the best material for the collection beaker, because plastic can contaminate the purity of the oil. Exposure to the air can also contaminate the oil, so the collection beaker should be contained with only a small opening at the top.

    • 5

      Slowly heat the water to a low boil until the steam begins to push up through the dried plant. Keep an eye on the heat while your oil is being extracted. Watch for links in the attachments. The steam will separate the oils from the plant and force them through the tube in the collection beaker.

    Water Distillation

    • 6

      Fill a still with water. Copper is the best material for oil extraction. Be wary of using aluminum, because it can release contaminants into the oil when heated.

    • 7

      Chop fresh tea tree plants into small pieces. Leaves, stems and branches can all be used. Remove any dirt or debris.

    • 8

      Put fresh tea tree plant directly into the water.

    • 9

      Attach the condenser tube to the still. A simple still will have two basic attachments -- one attaches to the still itself and the other to your collection beaker.

    • 10

      Heat the water a little below boiling, keeping the heat constant. The oil will collect inside the collection beaker once the water begins to evaporate into steam.

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