What Are Satsuma Aroma Oils Good For?
Treating Skin Problems
Mandarin oil is often a main ingredient in essential oil recipes to reduce stretch marks. Formulas vary and may include juniper berry, cyprus, lavender oils or others in a carrier of wheat germ or other vegetable oil. Other skin conditions treated with mandarin oil include cellulite and water retention. The usual procedure is to mix the oils, then massage a few drops on the affected area couple times a day. Pregnant women begin this routine about the fifth month of pregnancy. There is no indication it has any harmful effects for either the mother or developing child.
Use as an Antispasmodic
Mandarin oil has antispasmodic properties and is used for any type of muscle tightness, intestinal or menstrual cramping. It is known as a gentle remedy for upset stomachs and is used in Chinese medicine for small children and the frail elderly. It can be used externally for gastritis. One formula mixes mandarin oil with almond oil and is massaged on the tummy. It can also be taken internally, mixed with honey and other products used for indigestion such as chamomile, or added to bathwater to relax muscles.
Relieving Stress
Mandarin oil has a sweet, citrusy, refreshing odor. It is often used in aromatherapy as an antidote to negative emotions. Putting it in a diffuser or spraying it on linens or in the air is a way of treating anxiety, stress and irritability. It can be used as a treatment for insomnia, either in a diffuser, room spray or massage oil. Some insomnia and stress-reduction formulas mix mandarin oil with lavender oil, another oil known for its relaxation properties.
Used in industry
Mandarin oil has uses in the perfume industry. Its light citrus scent is prized by perfume manufacturers and those who make soaps, lotions and other personal care products. It is also used commercially as a flavoring for gelatin, ice cream, soft drinks and other foods. Aside from commercial producers, mandarin oil is also used by crafters to make soaps, lotions and candles.