Uses for Cedar Wood Oil
The calming effects of cedar wood oil make it beneficial as a sedative. The oil soothes inflammation, cures itching skin and relieves tension and anxiety. As aromatherapy, the oil is used in a vaporizer, through massage, in a therapeutic bath or by inhaling the steam.
Cedar wood oil is used to normalize sebum production. Seborrhea is caused by a malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands, which creates abnormal sebum production. This results in an infection, particularly on the scalp, but also on the eyebrows. Cedar wood oil will cure the inflammation, eliminate the infection and reduce the peeling skin.
Congestion due to a cough or cold can be eliminated by the expectorant properties of cedar wood oil. Cedar wood oil removes phelgm from the lungs and respiratory tract and stops the coughing. Additionally, it will provide headache relief and help eliminate other cold symptoms, such as watery eyes.
Astringent Action
Used topically, the astringent properties of cedar wood oil benefit the skin. It can be used to treat acne, control oily skin and heal nicks from shaving; added to water as a hair rinse it will eliminate dandruff. Additionally, cedar wood oil helps cure toothaches and strengthen gums.
Insecticide and Fungicide
As an insecticide, cedar wood oil is used in a vaporizer to eliminate insects. It will drive away mosquitoes, flies and other types of insects. Cedar wood oil will cure fungal infections, both internally and externally.
Cedar wood oil will increase the frequency of urination and flush toxins out of the body. It acts as a medium for the removal of excess fat and water, as well as toxins like uric acid, which can cause gout. By removing an accumulation of toxins in the blood, cedar wood oil will help cure high blood pressure, arthritis, hypertension, urinary tract infections and obesity.
Other Uses
Cedar wood oil has many other uses as well. The oil is antiseptic and can be applied to wounds, used to treat spasms and taken as a tonic to stimulate metabolism. It also works as an emenagogue to bring about menstruation and make it regular.