DIY Lavender Rice Heat Pack & Bath Roses
Things You'll Need
- Cotton sock
- Uncooked rice
- Bowl
- Lavender essential oil
- Rubber band or string
- Microwave
- Stove
- Rose petals
- Pot
- Lid
- Bathtub
- Colander
Heat Pack
Fill a cotton sock about ¾ of the way full with uncooked white rice. Leave enough room in the sock to allow for the rice to shift so that it can conform to your body when applied to a sore or tired area.
Pour the uncooked rice into a bowl; measure it out in a sock first so that you know how much rice to use. Add two to three drops of lavender essential oil into the bowl and mix gently with your hands or a wooden spoon; the lavender scent will infuse with the rice, creating an additional aromatherapy level to your warm sock.
Smell the mixture and add more lavender as necessary. Remember, when you heat up the sock the lavender smell will be a little stronger than it is when the rice is cold. Pour the rice/lavender mixture back into the sock.
Tie the top of the sock closed with a rubber band or string to secure the rice in place. Turn the sock upside down to make sure no rice escapes.
Heat the sock in a microwave for one to two minutes before use. Some people prefer higher heat than others, so adjust the time needed in the microwave accordingly.
Apply the sock to sore muscles or joints, or use it as a bed warmer.
Rose Bath
Boil 2 cups of water on a stove. Pour in ½ cup of rose petals and cover the still-boiling water with a lid for two to three minutes. Remove the pot from heat and allow the water to cool while still covered.
Drain the water through a colander into another bowl; the colander will catch the rose petals.
Fill a bathtub with your preferred temperature of water. While the tub fills, pour the rose water into the tub; this water will add a fresh, flowery smell to your bathwater.
Sprinkle the rose petals into the tub so that they float around on top of the water. Relax in the bath for as long as you desire.