Herbs for Dream Pillows
Probably one of the most popular herbs used to relax and sleep is lavender. Lavender can help you go to sleep, and is also an herb that can help you stay asleep thanks to its intoxicating scent. You can find dried lavender at most herbal shops or natural health food stores. If you don’t have a dream pillow, you can try putting a few drops of lavender oil onto your regular pillow at night before bed.
Chamomile is a soothing tea and also a soothing herb you can put into your dream pillow. The apple-like scent can help you drift off into a deep sleep easily. If you use chamomile, another added benefit is that you can make a soothing tea with it to relax you even more so.
Hyacinth is commonly used in dream pillows. This is because hyacinth is believed to help ward off nightmares. If you suffer from bad dreams at night, try tossing some of this dried herb into your dream pillow to keep away scary dreams.
Rosemary is another herb, that you can also find in oil form, that can help you drift off. The main belief with rosemary is that it can help to fight off nighttime headaches, so if you suffer from headaches that wake you or keep you awake, add a small amount of this to your dream pillow.
Mugwort, which is an herb that has a sage-like smell, is another spellbinding herb that can lull you to sleep. Many believe that if you put mugwort in your dream pillow, it can give you visions of the future, as well as give you more lucid dreams.