How to Make Aromatherapy Packs
Things You'll Need
- Long tube sock
- Bag of rice
- Scissors
- Large spoon
- Large bowl
- Essential oils
- Fabric, lightweight
- Measuring tape
- Needle
- Thread
- Button, snap or velcro (optional)
Pour the entire bag of rice into a large bowl. Add 8 to 10 drops of your chosen essential oils. If using more than one oil, use a decreased amount of drops for each oil, amounting to 8 to 10 total drops. Avoid using too much oil to prevent making the rice too wet.
Stir rice using large spoon to combine oils and mix ingredients. Add more oil if necessary, one drop at a time to increase essence.
Decide on the size of the pack you wish to make. For smaller packs, cut the sock to the desired length. Cut at the opening, not the foot. For larger packs, use the entire sock. Using large spoon, scoop rice mixture into the sock. Fill sock just over 3/4 full. Avoid overfilling to keep pack flexible. If the pack is not pliable when you squish it in your hands, it is too full. Fold down top corners of sock. Fold top of sock over, as if wrapping a present. Hold in place and sew shut with needle and thread.
Lay pack flat on table. Spread rice evenly with your hands. Using measuring tape, measure the length and width of the pack. Cut two pieces of fabric that measure one inch greater than the total length and width of the pack.
Place right sides of fabric together. Using needle and thread, sew both long sides of fabric together. Sew one short side together. Leave the other short side open to provide a slot for slipping the pack into the casing. Reverse pack so that it is no longer inside out.
Slide the pack inside of the casing. You can sew the opening shut to seal the pack. Alternately, you can leave the opening if you would like to interchange different essence packs. To do so, fold over both pieces of the short side. Sew with needle and thread to hold in place. You can sew on a small button, snap or velcro to keep packs inside of casing.