How to Use Sage Oil for Massage
Things You'll Need
- Massage table
- Warm towel
- Clary sage essential oil
Have the person receiving the massage with sage oil remove all clothing and wrap the lower private area of the body with a warm towel. The room the massage table is set up in should be warm and comfortable for a naked body. She should lie flat on the table so that her back is exposed and so her arms are resting against the body with palms facing up.
Prepare to give a massage by warming up your hands first. Rub them vigorously together with palms against each other. This warms your hands enough so the person does not feel a shock when you place your hands against his naked skin.
Dab a small amount of clary sage essential oil onto the back of her neck, just beneath the shoulder blades, at the small of the back and on the insides of the wrists.
Massage the back starting at the small of the back with thumbs just outside the spine. Move the thumbs in an up and outward motion pressing gently against the flesh of the back. Do this in a slow and rhythmic motion over the entire area of the back moving up to the shoulder area. Once at the shoulder area, use both hands to massage each shoulder muscle over the shoulder blade. Rub your hands over the entire shoulder area kneading the muscles with your finger tips. Do this to both shoulder blades.
Place your thumbs at the base of the neck on either side of the long neck muscle. Rotate your thumbs in a circular motion upward into the hair line and just beneath the ears. Slide the thumbs back down to the neck and shoulder area to massage the shoulders again. Massage over the arms on the right side first, gently pressing firmly into the flesh. Rub downward to the wrist area blending the sage oil into the wrist. Slide your hands up the right arm and repeat over the left arm and down to the left wrist.
Dab a small amount of clary sage essential oil to the base of each foot. Place your thumbs on the center of the bottom of the foot and massage down toward the toes. Press your thumbs into the pads of the foot beneath the toes, and then press your fingers in a massaging motion up to the heal of the foot. Repeat on each foot making sure the sage oil is rubbed in well.