Homemade Peppermint Oil Headache Remedy
Soothing Peppermint Oil Remedies
Drinking peppermint tea while topically applying peppermint oil is a good home remedy for headaches. Peppermint oil can be used for soothing massages, including massaging of the temple until a headache goes away. Mixing olive oil and peppermint oil is a way to create a massaging solution that can help rid headaches.
Inhaling peppermint oil is beneficial to soothing a headache. Inhale the aroma from a bottle of peppermint oil, or infuse a cup of hot water with it and inhale the vapors.
Another way to inhale the steam of peppermint oil infused water is to boil a pot of water and place ten drops of oil in it. Drape a towel over your head as you lean over the pot, inhaling the soothing aroma for five to 10 minutes. This remedy is good to try for a cold or sinus pressure, as both can cause headaches.
Bathing in peppermint oil is another remedy to relax and get rid of a headache. Add several drops of peppermint oil into your bath water and inhale the vapors.
Essential peppermint oil can be purchased at health stores or it can be found in the organic aisle of your super market. Always purchase essential peppermint oil for home remedy use and not regular peppermint oil used in cooking.
Peppermint oil is meant to be used as an external home remedy. Do not use it if you have a hiatal hernia, acid reflux disease, gallbladder problems or are pregnant or nursing.