What Does Peppermint Oil Do for Aromatherepy?
Peppermint is good for digestion. You can massage the oil over your abdomen to relax muscles and help digest heavy meals. It also might help relieve flatulence, cramping and other problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome.
Peppermint oil can help clear sinus congestion. Massage two to three drops onto your chest. You also can add peppermint essential oil to steaming water in a metal or glass bowl. Drape a towel over your head, and place your face 10 to 12 inches above the bowl, as the heat permits.
Pain Relief
The warming effects of peppermint make it useful for muscle and arthritis pain. Liniments for muscle spasms and arthritis often contain peppermint.
Emotional Healing
According to The Fragrant Heavens, peppermint oil encourages regeneration, self-acceptance, concentration, vitality and vibrancy.
Generally, dilute peppermint oil before use. Do not use on infants or small children. If you are pregnant or have a medical condition, consult your doctor.