Essential Oils to Use in a Neti Pot to Treat Sinus Infections
Tea Tree Oil
"Essential oils in a neti pot can be very irritating to the sinuses since they're so close to the brain," says Tanja Bochnig, founder of April Aromatics. "I would only recommend using tea tree oil in a very low concentration---one tiny drop, well-dispersed into the water."
As an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal treatment, tea tree oil can help clear nasal passages.
Bochnig also suggests using floral waters, also called hydrosols, such as one tablespoon of lavender, eucalyptus or peppermint. "Hydrosols are a byproduct of the essential oil distillation and are much gentler," she says.
Essential Oils
Add peppermint oil to a facial steam along with eucalyptus and tea tree oils. One way to use essential oils is immediately following your neti pot rinse. Add two drops each of eucalyptus, peppermint and tea tree oils to a bowl of boiling water. Drape a towel over your head, close your eyes and breathe through your nose. "This is very clearing to your sinuses and is gentler than oils in the neti pot," Bochnig says.
Use organic oils whenever possible.