Aromatherapy Scent Meanings & Effects
Certain scents are used primarily for emotional enhancement. Basil, sage and mint are used for spiritual uplifting, energy and romance. They can also produce relaxing and calming effects.
Physical Ailments
Essential oils, like cedarwood and eucalyptus, are primarily used for physical illnesses. Cedarwood helps with bronchitis, congestion and sinusitis.
Balance and Strength
If you're ever in the need for balance and strength, consider essential oils lemon and lime. Lemon is good for general well being, while lime is good for balancing.
Lavender, sandalwood and ylang ylang will help with depression, although each has additional healing properties. For example, lavender is also used to fight the flu and hypertension.
Jasmine and rose are common aphrodisiacs, used to increase sexual desire. Ylang ylang and sandalwood, besides being used to treat depression, are also used as aphrodisiacs.
Antiseptic Uses
Tea tree oil has been shown to have antimicrobial effectiveness and is used in antiseptics and disinfectants.