Aromatherapy Qualifications
Aromatherapy Practice
Many qualified aromatherapists also have a license in a healthcare field, such as massage therapy, nursing, acupuncture, medicine or naturopathy, which allows them to touch people. An aromatherapist not licensed to touch people can offer aromatherapy consultations and make and sell aromatherapy blends and products.
Aromatherapy Basics
The basics of aromatherapy include knowledge of the properties of essential oils and their effects and contraindications.
Aromatherapy Certification
Certification is not required to practice aromatherapy in the United States. The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (NAHA) offers voluntary certification. To call yourself a Certified Aromatherapist, you must complete a NAHA-approved aromatherapy education program.
Finding a Qualified Aromatherapist
When looking for someone with aromatherapy qualifications, AromaWeb suggests asking the person about her training, experience, liability insurance and what you can expect from each session. Also, know what you want from your aromatherapy consultations and assess if you feel comfortable with the aromatherapist.
A qualified aromatherapist will ask about your health and medical conditions to make sure the aromatherapy treatment and essential oils are appropriate for you.