Full Body Massage Instructions
Back of the Legs
The removal of clothing is best suited for full body massage to allow the strokes to flow smoothly, to access tight areas of the body and because of the use of oils or lotions.
Beginning with the legs, use long flowing strokes from the ankles to the knees several times. Use a firm, gliding motion.
Returning to the ankle, place your hands so fingers access the inner part of the lower leg. Moving your hands in opposite directions, knead the muscle of the calf, working your way up to the highest point on the back of the thigh.
Stroke lightly back down to the ankle and use long, firm, gliding strokes up the leg to the thigh once more.
Repeat massage techniques on recipient's other leg. Buttock kneading may be incorporated at any point within the legs portion of the massage if acceptable to the recipient.
The Back
Apply more oil or lotion to your hands and use the same long strokes from the top of the shoulders to the lower back. Repeat several times with a firm stroke down the back and a lighter one on the return to the shoulders.
Standing to one side of the receiver, use your forearm to stroke more deeply from the lower back up around the inside of the shoulder blade. This is a firm technique that accesses broader muscle tissue without the pain that fingertip pressure can sometimes elicit. Repeat the forearm stroke a few times. Move to the other side of the back and repeat.
Move to the shoulders again and using supported thumbs, press and slide them down either side of the spine several times. Keep contact with the receiver's body and glide your palms over the sides of the back on the return to the shoulders.
Head, Neck, Shoulders and Arms
Have the receiver turn over onto their back. Without applying more lubricant, use your fingertips to make circular motions on the scalp. Cover the entire scalp including the back of the head. Using fingertips, stroke gently across the forehead and use circular fingertip motions around the eyes, cheeks and mouth.
Apply oil to your hands and use short strokes up and down the neck on both sides. Squeeze the back neck muscles gently. Continue with more stroking down the neck and across the shoulders. Squeeze and apply thumb pressure to the tops of shoulders to release any tension there.
Continue long strokes down the receiver's arm and back up to the shoulder once more. Take time to lightly pull and rotate the fingers and use thumb circles in the palms of the recipient's hands.
Abdomen, Front of Legs and Feet
Through the sheet, apply large circular motions to the receiver's abdomen with the palms of your hands. Begin gently by simply placing your hands on their abdomen. Add light circular motions starting from the lower right side, up to the ribcage, then down the left side and across.
Uncover one leg. Beginning from the ankle; use long gliding strokes up over the shins, around the kneecap and up to the upper thigh. Repeat several times. Follow up with kneading the strong upper thigh muscles.
Repeat massage on recipient's other leg.
Finish the full body massage with your receiver's feet. Using supported thumbs or knuckles, make circular motions over the entire sole of the foot. Be firm with pressure or the receiver may find it ticklish instead of soothing. Gently pull and slightly twist toes to relieve tension there. Cover the feet with a sheet and lightly place your hands on the tops of them to impart a further feeling of relaxation and safety, while indicating an end to the massage.