The Effects of Rosemary Essential Oil
As an all around tonic, rosemary essential oil is stimulating and considered an antiseptic. It helps to relieve headaches and enables the ability to think more clearly. Rosemary essential oil is also thought to be a good facial massage oil to treat problematic skin.
Rosemary essential oil has a long history dating back to Egyptian times. It was one of the most highly valued essential oils because of its many healing properties It was once considered a holy oil that had mystical qualities and a deep sense of mystery. Pieces of the rosemary plant have been found in tombs of the Egyptians. Traditionally it was used by the Egyptians for healing and purification.
The Greeks and Romans were also known to use rosemary in their daily life by making wreaths of rosemary to give thanks and pay homage to their gods. It has been used by alchemists and early scientists as a universally healing herb.
Rosemary essential oil is a great first-aid oil. It can be used alone or combined with other essential oils to make its effects more pronounced.
Having the highest hydrogen content of all the essential oils, makes rosemary essential oil warming and stimulating. It is great for use as a massage oil when combined with a small amount of almond oil. It is also an excellent choice for the treatment of various skin conditions, including oily skin, oily hair, and some scalp conditions like dandruff. Rosemary is also a wonderful choice to add to skin care treatments for acne, wrinkles, and sun damaged skin. It is also thought to aid in the prevention of hair loss.
Used as part of a massage oil blend, rosemary essential oil is an excellent choice. It benefits the the circulation of blood, and helps the lymph nodes and nerve supply. Combine a few drops of rosemary essential oil with a tablespoon or two of a base oil, such as almond oil, for best results. To relieve chronic symptoms of fatigue and stiff joints, use rosemary verbenone. The oil can relieve symptoms of multiple sclerosis, gout and rheumatism by massaging into the affected areas. Rub a few drops of rosemary essential oil into muscular aches and pains.
With its vast skin regenerative and its wound healing qualities, rosemary verbenone is particularly useful in treating psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema. Chronic skin conditions such as these respond well to the healing properties of rosemary essential oil. In addition, skin that is prone to acne is usually responsive to an application of rosemary verbenone. This will also benefit the skin by fighting infection and promoting glandular balance. Dry and mature, aging skin can also be treated with rosemary essential oil with its many skin nourishing qualities. To ease the appearance of cellulite, blend rosemary verbenone with pink grapefruit or juniper, and massage gently into the skin.
Rosemary can also help to relieve mental fatigue, and can boost you up if you are physically exhausted. It also improves lethargy. Add rosemary essential oil to lemon, pink grapefruit or peppermint to improve your mood and boost your memory. Rosemary relieves mental fatigue, lethargy and physical exhaustion.
Rosemary essential oil has a strong stimulating effect on the circulatory system, making it an excellent choice to lower blood pressure enable cellular detoxification.
Rosemary is also a superb choice for relieving respiratory symptoms such as a clogged nose or stuffy chest. Place a few drops in a humidifier, and breathe deeply for relief.
With it's many applications and wonderful healing properties, rosemary essential oil is a optimal choice for naturally healing some of life's ailments.