What Are the Benefits of Lavender Oil?
Lavender has been used for many years for its sedative, purifying and antiseptic properties. It was used to treat and disinfect wounds during wars, and lavender flowers were worn to prevent headaches and sun stroke. It was used as a sedative and to treat digestive disorders. Equipment and surfaces were sterilized using lavender's antiseptic properties.
Lavender is an antiseptic, a detoxifier and a natural antibiotic. It has strong sedative properties and is commonly used to treat anxiety disorders and insomnia. It is quickly absorbed through the skin and can be traced in the blood after as little as 5 minutes. The essential oil is taken from the flower of the plant and both the aroma and the application of the oil on the skin have a healing effect on the nervous system, inducing a sense of relaxation and calm.
Lavender has many therapeutic uses. It is commonly used to treat insomnia, anxiety and depression but it is also used as an antiseptic for skin problems such as acne and sunburn as well as being an antiseptic for cuts and scrapes. It is known to aid digestion by healing the lining of the digestive tract and helping to produce bile. Tension headaches, pre-menstrual tension and menstrual cramps are relieved through the use of lavender oil.
Lavender can be used in many ways. Adding a few drops to a bath will help to heal and replenish the nervous system. Add 5 drops of lavender oil to a tablespoon of almond or olive oil. Rub it into skin. This will allow you to take in all the benefits of lavender oil. Putting a few drops of lavender on your pillow will help to relieve insomnia. Lavender can be applied to the skin using a cotton ball to clean cuts and skin irritations. Lavender is one of the only oils that can be safely applied to the skin.
Do not use the oil internally. Lavender oil should never be consumed, but the dried flowers may be used to make tea. To make the tea, allow 1 to 2 tsp. of the flowers to steep in a cup of boiled water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drinking the tea provides the same benefits as using the oil. It is used for stimulating digestion and relaxing and uplifting the mind.