The History of Lavender Oil
The essential oil of lavender can be harvested only from lavender bud and flowers.
In addition to the properties listed above, lavender oil has been used as insect repellent, a balm for the relief of headaches, a treatment for anxiety and a cough remedy. Essential oil of lavender also can be used as antiseptic or as an anti-inflammatory.
Ancient Times
Egyptians used lavender during mummification, and the Ancient Greeks believed it was a remedy for insomnia or backaches. The Romans prized lavender, and it was a luxury good primarily used for scenting bath water. In fact, that is where the name lavender comes from: from the Latin lavare, meaning "to wash."
Lavender was found in Syria by the Ancient Greeks and possibly the Egyptians. Today, lavender can be found all over Europe, as well as North America.
Production Ratio
It takes 150 lbs. of lavender to make 1 lb. of oil.