About Distillers for Making Perfume
Most perfumes have a few basic ingredients. The most prevalent is pure grain alcohol, which makes up 70 to 80 percent of the perfume. This alcohol is extremely volatile, which means it disperses into the air easily, and is how the scents from the perfume are spread. Next are the "essential" oils, which give the perfume its scent. Finally, a small amount of distilled water is added.
What are essential oils? They are fragrant compounds that can be distilled from various plants. The amount and type of the oil will influence the way the perfume smells. These oils can come from a variety of plants, including cinnamon, vanilla, rose and lavender. The kinds of essential oils you can distill are limited only by your imagination.
Most perfume distillers use a similar mechanism. Water and the plant leaves from which the oils are to be extracted are placed in a small container that has a flame or other heat source under it. As the water heats up and boils, steam extracts the oils from the leaves, causing them to be vaporized. At the top of the apparatus is a tube that connects to a cooling compartment, which is typically filled with water. This causes the oils that have been vaporized into the air to condense into the cooling compartment. Because the oils will not mix with the cooling water (oil and water don't mix), the oils can then be removed. The oils will either form above the water (if the oils are light) or below it (for heavier oils).
Some perfume distillers will have a special set of tools to help remove the oils from the water. One common method is to use a "separation flask." In this case, the flask will have a small valve at the bottom that can be used to carefully remove one layer of liquid at a time. If the oil is light, the water will come out first, leaving behind several milliliters of oil in the flask. Heavier oils will come out of the valve first, allowing them to be carefully stored away from water.
When making any perfume with a perfume distiller, it is important to understand the types of scents that are involved. Every perfume has three kinds of scents. The base scent--often made of vanilla, sandalwood or cinnamon--will stay on the skin the longest. The middle notes will stay on for a shorter period of time, and can include such scents as lemongrass and geraniums. Finally, the top notes will stay on the least length of time, but are often the most pungent, and can include scents like rose or jasmine. Some scents can be selected for aromatherapy purposes.