Methods of Extracting Essential Oils

Essential oils are the highly concentrated vital essence of different flowers and herbs, extracted from the plant itself and suspended in an oil base or bottled full strength. The method used to extract the essential oils will determine the strength of the final product. Most commercial oil producers use distillation to force steam through the plant, allowing its essence to evaporate into another container where the steam will condense and separate from the essential oils. This process creates the strongest essential oils but you can create your own version in a weaker but still viable strength.

Things You'll Need

  • Herbs or other plants Pressure cooker Cheesecloth Sweet almond oil
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    • 1

      Use a modified method of steam and water distillation if you have a pressure cooker with a steam basket. Put a couple handfuls of herbs or flowers onto a square of doubled cheesecloth and tie up the ends to form a secure bag. Place the bag in the steamer basket of the pressure cooker and fill the bottom of the cooker with 1-inch of water.

    • 2

      Secure the pressure cooker lid and bring the water to a boil over medium heat for thirty minutes, after which you will turn off the heat and allow the cooker to cool down and depressurize by itself. When cool, open the lid and discard the cheesecloth bag. Pour water into tall narrow glass and carefully spoon off the substance that rises to the top. Depending upon the plant you choose, it may be a very small amount.

    • 3

      Use the cold pressing method of extracting essential oils from citrus fruits. This is the oldest and easiest method of obtaining essential oils but it only works with thick-rind fruits. Peel and score the rinds from oranges, grapefruits or lemons with a sharp knife and bend and press the oil out in a small saucer. It will take four or five fruits to fill a tiny bottle with the oil.

    • 4

      Order a small distillation kit to extract essentials oils that rival the commercial products. Most at-home kits are very small and you must use them multiple times in order to extract a viable amount of essential oil. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations when using a distillation kit. (See Resources)

    • 5

      Make a diluted form of essential oil, suspended in a carrier oil base, for a weak but aromatic version. Use sweet almond oil or another lightweight carrier oil and pour it over your choice of dried flowers or herbs in a clear glass bottle. Add only enough oil to cover the herbs. Allow the bottle to sit in a warm place, such as a sunny windowsill or on top of the refrigerator for up to two months before straining and storing the oil in small dark bottles.

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