What is Peach Kernel Oil?
Peach kernel oil is expressed from the kernel or "pit" of the peach tree (Prunus persica). These peaches were originally a native of China but are now grown in many areas of the United States like California, Utah and other states.
Peach kernel oil is used primarily for for mature skin to help increase smoothness, or sensitive skin that reacts to other, more harsh chemicals. The significance of this oil in aromatherapy, massage and cosmetics is profound because of the hypo-allergenic nature of the oil.
Peach kernel oil is light weight and is prized for use in massage oil blends and cosmetics where the moisturizing features of the oil are evident. When the oils are expeller pressed, peach kernel oil can have as much as 42% fatty acids that nourish the skin.
Many people are allergic to nut oils like almond, peanut or other nuts so peach kernel oil can be a beneficial alternative. Moisture rich, light-weight and non-greasy the oil absorbs readily into the skin making it suitable for all skin types.
It is a common misconception that vegetable oils, like peach kernel oil, will harm oily skin or increase acne outbreaks. The truth is pure, vegetable based carrier oils like peach kernel, olive oil, sweet almond, jojoba oil and others do not clog the skins pores the way mineral oil or animal based oils do.
Pesticides and chemicals used on the plant can be found in small amounts in the peach kernel oils which are then absorbed by the skin. For this reason, it is recommended that food quality oils are used on the skin. Organically grown, cold-pressed oils will have the richest nutrients and least amount of contaminants.