How to Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Things You'll Need
- Essential-oil diffuser OR Film canister and cotton ball Massage cream or lotion Witch hazel
For Physical Benefits
Put eucalyptus essential oil in a witch-hazel blend for use as a deodorant. You can combine with lavender essential oil for a sweeter fragrance, or use just the eucalyptus oil. The antibacterial properties will help prevent body odor. Mix five drops of essential oil to 1 oz. of witch hazel.
Use eucalyptus essential oil as an expectorant for chest congestion and coughs. Place 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil in a massage carrier oil or lotion blend. Rub the lotion/oil mixture on the chest or back as needed to relieve congestion.
Mix eucalyptus essential oil with tea-tree essential oil in a witch-hazel or plain massage-oil base to help prevent insect bites. These essential oils are thought to be natural insect repellents. Dilute the essential oils so there are about 10 drops of essential oils to 1 oz. of oil or lotion.
For Mental Benefits
Place three to five drops of pure essential oils onto a cotton ball in a film canister and breathe in the aroma for a calming effect when your mind is scattered or overwhelmed. Combining eucalyptus essential oil with lavender essential oil can help increase the soothing effect.
Mix eucalyptus essential oil with more stimulating essential oils, like bergamot or orange, for a mentally invigorating effect. If you are having trouble concentrating, use the film-canister personal diffuser, or place the undiluted essential oils into an essential-oil diffuser so the aroma will fill the entire room.
Combine eucalyptus essential oil with sandalwood, clary sage and frankincense for use as a meditative or expansive fragrance. Mix 10 drops into 1 oz. of carrier oil (like sweet almond oil or massage lotion) and apply to pulse points for a personal meditation fragrance. Alternately, put the undiluted essential oils in a room diffuser to waft the uplifting aroma throughout the entire space.