What Is Lavender Oil Used for?
There are more than one type of lavender plants used for creating lavender oil, but the most common is Lavendula angustifolia. Only the lavender flowers are used to create a high-quality lavender essential oil.
Lavender has a well-known relaxing, peace-inducing property that has positive effects both physically and emotionally. It also functions as an anti-bacterial essential oil and is used to soothe or clean skin wounds.
Lavender essential oil is often used for its powerful effects on the mind and emotions. Soothing to the nerves and mind, lavender has been used successfully to encourage sleep. Many also find that using lavender oil is helpful to relieve stress and mild depression symptoms--especially depression with nervous anxiety.
The physical benefits of using lavender essential oil are many, making it a common aromatherapy oil. The soothing properties extend to the physical, when lavender oil is used on bug bites, minor burns or dry skin. Lavender essential oil is also used to relieve muscle aches, tension headaches and high blood pressure (especially temporary high blood pressure caused by anxiety).
Prone to dry, itchy scalp? Lavender essential oil can be used in a soothing hair rinse. After shampooing and conditioning your hair, use a vinegar rinse with a few drops of lavender essential oil.
While lavender is one of the most gentle essential oils, and can often be used undiluted (or neat) on small skin irritations like bug bites, it should be used with caution. Lavender oil is one of the most frequently adulterated essential oils because of its popularity. Inexpensive oils often have contaminants in them, or are not true lavender essential oil and can cause allergic reactions with overuse.