Unusual Sleeping Habits
Late Night or Sleep Eating
If you tend to snack right before you go to bed, it can have a negative impact on your health. Not only are you consuming calories at a time when your body will be resting and unable to burn them off as quickly, you are also putting yourself at a higher risk for acid reflux and heartburn. A habit even worse than eating right before bed is if you wake up out of a deep sleep, walk into the kitchen and pig out and then get back into bed. In the morning you will barely even remember how many extra calories you have consumed.
While some consider sleepwalking a habit that can be broken and others think it is an inherited condition, sleepwalking can be scary for both the person doing it and the family members who find him. If you see one of your family members sleepwalking, it is okay to gently guide him back to bed or to softly try to wake him up, PubMed Health advises. Realize that your family member may be groggy and disoriented as he wakes up. If sleepwalking becomes a frequent problem for someone in your home or if your family member is getting hurt during sleepwalking episodes, it is best to make a doctor's appointment.
Sleeping All Day
Sleeping all day and staying up all night usually develops one of two ways. The first way is if you work a job that forces you to go in for the night shift. The second way is if you have insomnia at night and get into a pattern of sleeping during the day instead. When you sleep only during the day, you are fighting your body's natural clock. You may end up getting less restful sleep this way. If you are forced to sleep during the day due to work, it is best to make sure that your bedroom is as dark and comfortable a possible.
Teeth Grinding
While snoring is an issue that most couples face, you may deal with a slightly less common one: teeth grinding. If you have ever awakened to the sound of your partner grinding her teeth you may find it annoying and have trouble falling back asleep. Your partner has likely developed this habit over time and, just like snoring, she likely has no idea that she is doing it. Teeth grinding is only serious if it happens all the time and the noise is so loud you feel that your partner may be damaging her jaw or teeth. If you believe it is getting serious, it is best to consult a dentist.