How to Treat Depression With Essential Oils
Search online. If you have access to the Internet, at home, work or the library, then you also have time to search online for essential oils that will treat depression. There are many websites, holistic, aromatherapy or homeopathy, that carry products to treat any ailment, including depression, without using harmful drugs with side effects.
Use holistic, aromatherapy or homeopathy remedies. There are many people who would rather use a natural remedy to cure or treat their depression. Being able to use a natural remedy takes a step of faith. You are relying on what is made from this earth to treat what ailment you are feeling and going through. Being able to take that step of faith means not taking any prescribed medications from a doctor or physician's office. If, in the past, taking prescribed medications harmed, more than helped you, the only other way to go would be holistic, aromatherapy or homeopathy remedies.
Use essential oils for depression. More and more these days, plants are finding a medicinal purpose in our society. Even if some plants and herbs cause controversy among the medical community. Anything these days can cause depression in someones life. Being able to use an essential oil is, if anything, unconventional, but yet, worth trying out. Some how, the medical community got away from using the whole plant or herb to treat a patient and have made medications using chemicals. Chemicals that do more harm than good to many patients, particularly for depression patients. Using essential oils will enhance a person's positive mental and emotional state. When people use an essential oil for depression, they will have a physiological healing, along heart and mind healing. Here are some essential oils for lifting up a person's spirit: Bergamot: This essential oil has the ability to gently uplift a person who is in a depressed state by relaxing their nerves and spirit. Used by the Chinese, bergamot is used to smooth the flow of Liver-Qi or Life Force; Neroli: this is a flower like bergamot which will comfort a stressed out mind and heart. neroli will uplift the spirit along with retrieving and releasing repressed emotions; Chamomile: the oils from chamomile will help with moody and irritable feelings. The three oils above help relieve depression which afflicts a persons heart and mind.
Use essential oils together: Along with the essential oils listed above, there are several other oils which can be combined to ease any affliction a person may have. Take for instance a person wants to feel refreshed or uplifted. If this is the case, all anybody needs to do is combine one part rose, three parts sandalwood and one part sweet orange or bergamot. If on the other hand, a person wants to change their feeling of bitterness, they can combine one part chamomile, one part bergamot and one part helichysum. There are probably many recipes in which a person can create to ease any depression or uneasy feeling. All it takes is some research and time to create a recipe that works for what ailment is afflicting you.
Take time alone to heal depression. Being able to use the above essential oils, or others like them, for relieving depression is great. Now, it is time to find ways in which to use these essential oils. One way in which to use these oils is by drawing a bath. Adding any one of the above recipes to a warm bath two to three times a week is very helpful for depression. Another way to relive depression is my simply inhaling these essential oils. The oils can be individually dropped on a cotton ball or napkin, then inhaled for however long a person sees fit. Inhaling essential oils can be done more than once a week or when needed.