How to Select an Aromatherapy Herbal Pack
Things You'll Need
- Research time
Consider the condition(s) that you wish to treat. Aromatherapy packs come in a variety of sizes and shapes including those designed for the face, shoulders and neck, and larger areas such as the back or stomach.
Learn the medicinal properties of different herbs for maximum benefit, or simply choose fragrances that you enjoy. A sample of herbs designed to relax muscles or reduce inflammation include chamomile, lavender, peppermint and cinnamon. Yucca oil is another popular choice that may be of additional benefit to sinus conditions.
Look for 100 percent natural ingredients in an aromatherapy herbal pack. Natural ingredients should offer superior aromatherapy benefits and often better heat retention.
Find an aromatherapy herbal pack that contains a removable cover. Both natural and synthetic packs are prone to internal and external mold and mildew growth, as are many non-scented packs. Individuals sensitive to these allergens may do better to use an unscented mold-resistant microwavable heating pad.
Identify the product claim with regards to heat retention, which should be at least 30 minutes for best results. Optimally, look for aromatherapy packs which contain corn as the main filler. Corn is reputed to have superior heat retention over rice and most other fillers. The exception is aromatherapy facial packs, which require more comfort and less heat.
Comparison shop with at least five vendors for best results. Many inflated claims are made concerning aromatherapy packs. Additionally, homemade packs are not standardized and both commercial and homemade aromatherapy herbal packs may be overpriced.