How to Use Lavender for Migraines
Use only pure essential lavender oil to treat a migraine.
Apply two drops of oil directly to one of these areas: the temples, forehead or the base of the neck. This allows the oil to penetrate the selected points of migraine pain.
Retreat to a quiet, dark room with no stimuli after you apply the lavender oil. Migraine sufferers are usually unable to tolerate any light, sounds or movement once the pain begins. Moving away to a quiet room is the best environment for relaxing with the therapeutic scent of the lavender oil.
Add two to three drops of pure Lavender oil to your pillowcase before lying down. You may also add two to three drops of lavender oil to a diffuser so the therapeutic scent moves throughout the room.
Relax your breathing as you use the lavender oil. Begin by taking in a slow deep breath and take in the scent of the lavender oil. Imagine your lungs filling completely with air as you do so. As you exhale, focus on pushing the air out of your lungs through your mouth.
Repeat Step 5 slowly at least five times. You should begin to notice that your breathing has relaxed and calmed, and your heart rate is lowered. You may even feel drowsy. If so, allow yourself to fall asleep.