How to Use Chamomile Essential Oil for Nerves
Things You'll Need
- Chamomile essential oil
- Lavender essential oil
- Chamomile flowers, or tea
- Almond oil
- Diffuser
Mix chamomile with lavender for a fragrance that will soothe the entire system. Put a few drops of each essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale when necessary.
Drink a cup of chamomile tea while getting a back massage with chamomile oil mixed in almond oil. The scent of chamomile will help to reduce the nervous tension that can be caused by menopause or an irregular cycle. It also helps to regulate the menstrual cycle. Chamomile inhalation therapy has long been used to reduce the effects of PMS.
Ease the worry of a hypochondriac by adding 5 to 6 drops chamomile oil to a pan of steaming water and let the odor permeate the area. Chamomile calms anxiety while promoting a feeling of overall well-being, which helps a hypochondriac develop a better awareness of his actual physical state.
Draw a bath and add 5 to10 drops of chamomile oil into the warm water to help reduce the pounding effect of a migraine headache. Many times migraines can be brought on by nervousness. The warm bath and scent of chamomile will help to relax.
Put a few drops of chamomile into a diffuser in the bedroom to help cure insomnia. Chamomile is noted for its properties that work with anything that involves over stressing the nervous system. Insomnia can sometimes be a result of anxiety.