How to Use Lavender in Aromatherapy
Banish headaches. Most headaches are caused by tension, when the muscles of the head, neck and shoulders tighten. To help relieve headaches and the tension causing them, use lavender. The relaxing and soothing aroma is a well-known remedy. Make a cool or warm compress for the forehead by applying 3 to 5 drops of lavender to a damp cloth and lying down for 10 to 20 minutes. While on the go, massage a drop of lavender onto each temple. When there's time for a massage, combine lavender essential oil with unscented vegetable oil and rub into the forehead, neck, shoulders and back.
Soothe Anxiety and lift depression. Lavender has properties that relax as well as invigorate, making it useful in aromatherapy for calming excited nerves, while also inspiring feelings of increased energy and mental clarity. Some people find that lavender is more refreshing when inhaled at room temperature, but it can also be helpful when emanating from a light bulb diffuser. Or breathe in the aroma from a lavender-scented tissue. Dab the oil on the wrist and the base of the throat as a therapeutic perfume. Rub some along the scalp line and at the temples to carry the scent with you wherever you go!
Overcome insomnia. The relaxing qualities of lavender can help stop the recurrence of sleepless nights. Scent the bedroom with a diffuser or place sachets or cotton balls with lavender oil inside pillowcases, where they will release aromatherapy scent consistently through the night. Another good method is to dot bed linens and bed clothes with lavender oil.
Scent the hair with lavender. Rub a few drops of lavender oil between the palms and work into the hair for a subtle and lasting dose of aromatherapy throughout the day.