How to Use a Back Massaging Bar

Melt the stress and ache away with back massaging bars. Massage helps promote relaxation and has been found beneficial in the treatment of soreness from muscle strain, pregnancy and fluid retention, according to LUSH, manufacturer of massaging bars. These bars, made primarily with shea butter and cocoa butter, are sold at room temperature and melt on warm skin. Other ingredients are commonly added including cinnamon, mandarin orange oil and avocado butter. For the sheer pleasure and relaxation they bring, these massage bars require little effort to use.


    • 1

      Get undressed or have the person you are massaging take off her clothes. Find a comfortable position on a bed or chair.

    • 2

      Hold the massage bar in your hands. Your skin's warmth will begin to soften the bar.

    • 3

      Rub the massage bar lightly until the butter begins to soften and melt. The friction and the warmth of your skin will melt the oils and fats used in these bars.

    • 4

      Rub the melted side of the bar along the skin to coat with massage oil. The bar also provides a light massaging sensation.

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      Set the bar aside in a cool, dry place when not being used.

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      Begin massaging your skin or your partner's skin by hand to rub in the oil.

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