Get to Know You Games for Christian Singles
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Pass out a copy of a spiritual gifts inventory to each person (see Resources). Give the group about 30 minutes to fill out the inventory. When everyone has completed the inventory, call out each gift individually and have all those who scored highest in that category stand up and look around at others who also scored high in that category. Note that most people will score high in more than one category.
Tell participants to find someone who also scored high in the same categories to partner with. Have each participant learn the name, birthplace, favorite parable and favorite pastime of their partner. Allow 10 minutes for this portion of the game. Gather all attendees together and have each person introduce their partner.
Scrambled Bible Verse
As people come in for the event, have each person write their name on a name tag. Each name tag has a sticker on it. Have the attendees find the person that has the same sticker to partner with. Give each pair a scrambled Bible verse to unscramble together. Each partner learns the partner's name, high school where they graduated, month of their birth and favorite book of the Bible.
Bring everyone together and have the partners stand together, say their unscrambled Bible verse and introduce each other to the group.
Name That Hymn
Use adhesive name tags to attach the name of a familiar hymn to each person's back. Have the attendees get into groups of fours. Have three group members try to get the fourth to guess the name of the hymn affixed to his back. When he guesses it, another group member is chosen to guess her hymn. Play continues until all four members of the group have guessed the hymn name on their back. Each player then tells the members of the group the name of his favorite hymn or praise chorus.
Speed Gaming
Set out tables for four to six players around the room. Place plenty of Bibles, paper and pencils on each table and a kitchen timer. Hand each person a colored dot as they come in. They must sit at the table with their dot color. Provide a different list of Bible Pictionary words at each table. Give each table time to meet all group members before play begins. At the sound of the bell, each group begins to play through their words, with no more than 60 seconds to guess the word and find a scripture using the word.
When the bell sounds again, everyone stands up and each person moves to form a completely different group and the process repeats itself.