Instructions for Frankincense
Things You'll Need
- Frankincense essential oil, powder, pill or resin
- Base oil -- almond or safflower
- Oil diffuser
- Distilled water
- Humidifier
Apply frankincense oil onto wounds for its antiseptic properties to safeguard against infection. Combine frankincense essential oil or powder with a base oil, such as almond or safflower. Rub onto sore muscles to relieve pain and onto tummy or pelvic area to reduce menstrual cramping and inflammation.
Ingest 3 to 10 mg of frankincense in pill form to aid in digestion and reduce excess acid. The herb stimulates the secretion of digestive juices and spurs peristaltic action of the colon to move food through the system.
Combine several drops of frankincense essential oil with distilled water in a diffuser. Light the diffuser and enjoy the aromatically pleasant oil to enliven and relax the mind and emotions. The oil is a natural fumigant, acting as a disinfectant and raising the spirits while aiding asthma and bronchial ailments.
Chew a small piece of frankincense resin to cleanse the digestive system. Place the resin under the tongue and allow saliva to soften the resin, then slowly chew it. This stimulates bile flow and stomach enzymes.
Add several drops of frankincense essential oil to the water of a humidifier or to the heat source in a wet or dry sauna to clear respiratory congestion and nasal passages. Frankincense clears out phlegm deposits in the lungs and eases chest constriction associated with bronchitis and asthma. Breathe in slowly and allow the sedative qualities to relax the body and remove anxiety and stress.