Vapir Oxygen Mini-Vaporizer Cleaning
Use the pointed end of the included soft-wood spoon to clear the vaporization chamber of any sticky plant resin. Do not use a sharp or metal tool, as this will damage the conductive surface of the heating chamber. If you do not have the official tool, a tongue depressor, whittled narrow at one end, makes a good replacement.
Cleaning solutions should not be used on the heating chamber of the Oxygen vaporizer. If the chamber is covered in sticky material, use a bottle-brush or test-tube cleaning brush to scrub the chamber thoroughly, having loosened the material by scraping with the spoon.
The two mesh screens in the Oxygen should be replaced regularly. The one secured over the base of the mouthpiece tube is a standard circular 15mm pipe screen. This can be replaced by rotating the surrounding collar by a 1/4 turn. The cylindrical mesh that sits inside the heating chamber as a screen is a proprietary type available directly from Vapir. This is not secured and can be lifted out using the wooden spoon.