How to Balance Tridoshic
To balance vata dosha you should keep a regular daily routine. Your meals should be warm and somewhat moist or made with oil, rather than dry. Avoid coldness, extremes in temperature and extremes in daily activities to keep your vata dosha balanced.
To balance your pitta dosha, focus on foods and activities that are cooling, dry and nourishing. For example; avoid stimulants and replace them with cooling herbs such as aloe or cilantro. Eat your main meal at noon and concentrate on foods that are naturally sweet, bitter or astringent, such as fresh fruit or beans. To relax, take a walk in nature or meditate.
To balance your kapha dosha, aim to keep yourself physically and mentally active and warm. Do this by exercising frequently, living in a warm, dry climate and avoiding sweets and junk food. Keep your mind active and continue to learn things each day. Eat light, spicy or pungent foods, such as cayenne and most vegetables. Avoid sedentary, non-stimulating activities, such as frequently sleeping in or sitting on the couch all day.