Food for the Vata Type
Choosing Tastes
The Vata type is influenced by the elements of air and space (wind) with a tendency for the body to feel cold. To help choose the appropriate foods, it is important to know the tastes that increase and decrease Vata. Tastes that are bitter, sharp and astringent draw tissue together to increase Vata's drying and cooling properties. Foods such as chili peppers, leafy greens and spices exemplify these flavors. Tastes that create warmth and moisture to decrease Vata are naturally sweet, sour and salty foods like seaweed, wheat and pickles.
Increasing Vata
Foods that are cooling in temperature and energy increase Vata. Avoid these foods to keep in balance. Limit raw vegetables, fruit and their juices -- especially in the morning and evenings -- and food or drinks that contain refined sugar or corn syrup. Deep-fried foods, over-processed frozen or canned foods and cold or carbonated drinks and alcohol should be avoided. Restrict consumption of most beans and soy products in your diet.
Reducing Vata
Salty, sweet and sour foods are beneficial to Vata by helping to cleanse and increase the tissue, and activate digestion. Most watery vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber and tomatoes contain high amounts of saline. Miso, yogurt and pickles are suggested fermented foods along with strawberries, lemons and grapefruit, which have a sour taste. Energetically warm foods and spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon and cumin help warm the cool Vata body and quality oils or ghee nourish the liver.
Selecting Foods
Select sweet foods for the Vata type from natural sweets as found in fruits, grains and squash. Refined sugars and processed foods are not Vata balancing and cause the body to "crash" after a burst of energy. Basmati brown rice, oats, barley and quinoa can be eaten all year. Fresh and seasonal use of avocado, bananas, dates, peaches, melons, cherries and tangerines bring balance to energy without drastically spiking the blood sugar level. Butternut squash, yellow crookneck, winter squash and sweet potatoes bring balance to amino acids and carbohydrates.