How to Rid the Body of AMA
Eat your main daily meal at noon. In the evening, eat a light meal so your food is digested before you go to sleep.
Eat all three meals at the same time every day. It is believed that by giving your body a regular routine to follow, the digestive juices are ready before the meal, and are more efficient in digesting the food.
Eat an ama-reducing diet containing freshly cooked whole foods that are easy to digest. Prepare organic vegetables, fruits and whole grains such as quinoa, barley or rice at each meal. For protein, eat lentil soup or dhal. Avoid all fried and heavy foods such as cheese, meat or rich desserts.
Drink warm water or tea throughout the day. Do not drink anything cold.
Wake up before 6 a.m. and go to sleep before 10 p.m.
Exercise daily to stimulate digestion, and practice transcendental meditation to reduce stress.