Vata Dosha Herbs
Herbs to Detox
Ginger and fennel are cleansing herbs, also stimulating to the digestive system. They strengthen the digestive fire, helping the body to process energy from food most efficiently. For those with a high Vata imbalance, a cup of ginger tea is recommended after each meal. Ginger teabags can be bought, but are best made at home. Grate a thumb-sized piece of ginger into a saucepan, add three mugs of water, and cover. Bring to a boil, then leave it to simmer slowly for 5 to 10 minutes. Add honey and drink.
Herbs to Increase Circulation
Cayenne, black pepper and clove all boost blood circulation within the body, maximizing the transfer of nutrients and oxygen from the blood to the cells. These herbs can be cooked, but they can also be added to a warming massage oil such as sesame oil, and applied directly to the skin.
Tonifying Herbs
The queen of all Vata tonifying herbs is Ashwaganda. This is particularly good to ease constipation and boost sluggish energy levels. Balancing Vata Dosha is a gradual process. Adding a tonifying herb to the stimulating herbs listed previously helps to restore Vata balance while the symptoms are relieved.
Brain, Eye and Ear Treatment
Nasya is a combination therapy for imbalanced Vata Dosha. It is prepared as an oil solution containing a combination of Vata Dosha herbs, specifically combined to treat all conditions that affect the head. The preparation is dropped into the nostril once to several times a day, depending on the severity of the condition. Nasya treats the memory and concentration difficulties associated with high Vata. It also alleviates blocked sinuses, headaches, tension and anxiety.