Pitta Dosha Characteristics
Pitta Characteristics
The pitta dosha comprises the elements fire and water. This dosha is hot, light, penetrating, sharp, pungent, intense and acidic. When pitta is the dominating dosha in a person, they will exhibit a fiery nature both in mind and body. The main function of a pitta-type body is metabolism, both physical and mental. Pittas are capable of taking it all in, like sensory impressions, food, emotions and beauty.
Physical Characteristics
Pitta types usually have an athletic, medium build and weight. Their stamina and energy are also medium. They can eat almost anything because of their excellent digestion. Pitta type people are usually blond or redhead with graying, thinning or balding hair. They may have light green or blue, penetrating eyes. They have a strong sex drive and can sleep deeply for short periods of time. When balanced, pittas have a lustrous and light complexion, a strong appetite, healthy digestion and are energetic. When unbalanced, pittas can have skin rashes, acne, heartburn and indigestion, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat, eye and skin sensitivity to light and can easily sunburn. They may also develop moles and freckles in the sun. They also have a ravenous appetite when stressed.
Emotional Characteristics
Pitta types can concentrate easily on any task and have a strong intellect. They crave order, reason and logic. When in balance, they make great decisions, are good with numbers, and are great speakers and teachers. They are also outspoken, quick-witted and precise, and are natural leaders. When unbalanced they can be critical, angry, frustrated and workaholics. They can also become easily jealous, intolerant and full of hate and also tend to put the blame on others. Pittas can also be aggressive drivers due to time restraints and are always seeking the best possible route to take.
Balancing Pitta
Pittas need to wind down after a stressful day of work. A cool bath or shower can help. Meditation and aromatherapy with sandalwood, jasmine, mint, rose and lavender in the form of incense or essential oils can also relieve stress. Body massages for relaxation are wonderful for the pitta-type person. Pittas should eat cool foods and drink cool liquids to calm their digestion. They should also eat foods that are cool, bitter, sweet and astringent. A few good choices are cucumbers, melons and sweet fruits. Pittas should reduce foods from their diet that are salty, sour, and pungent. Since pittas feel the need to eat frequently, they should not skip meals to the point of being ravenously hungry and irritable. Pittas need to avoid loud, aggressive music which can agitate them emotionally and mentally.