How to Determine My Dosha

A dosha describes a person's body type and temperament. The word comes from the 5,000-year-old health system Ayurveda, which recognizes three doshas -- Pitta, Vata and Kapha. Ayurveda recommends a different diet and exercise program for each dosha and believes an unbalanced dosha can cause problems with health, sleep or digestion. The three doshas aren't entirely separate; we exhibit characteristics from each. The dominant dosha can change throughout life. As your dosha changes, your self-care should also change.


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      Examine your body. Thin people who don't gain weight easily tend to be Vata, while medium-sized people tend to be Pitta. Large or heavy people tend to be Kapha.

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      Analyze your temperament. Vata people have a small energy reserve. They tire easily and can be anxious. Pitta people can concentrate for long periods of time. They have great ambition and tend to be demanding. Kapha people are slow movers and remain calm under stress.

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      Think about your temperature and moisture-level tolerance. Vata people have cold extremities and dry skin, while Pittas generally have warmer body temperatures. Kapha people are affected by cold and wet weather and can suffer from allergies or asthma.

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      Think about your prevailing personality trait. Kapha people tend to be loyal, while Pitta people are more ambitious. Vata people love change.

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      Analyze your answers to find your prevailing dosha. You may not have all of its traits, but one profile should fit you more closely than the others.

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