Home Remedies from the Neem Tree
Acne Relief
Neem leaf paste is useful for reducing acne swelling and redness. The remedy works by applying the leaf paste to the affected area and allowing it to dry overnight. When washed away in the morning, the acne will be significantly less noticeable, writes Conrick. In addition, the paste has antibacterial properties and helps prevent your acne from reoccurring. Make neem leaf paste by grinding fresh neem leaves into a thick paste with a mortar and pestle. The paste is most effective when fresh, so grind only three or four leaves at a time to avoid wasting the plant.
According to Discover Neem, neem oil applied to dry and itchy skin will hydrate and moisturize the area. Neem oil is thick with a yellowish color and a mild scent reminiscent of garlic. Many beauty supply stores offer pure or scented neem oil for application to the skin. Simply rub the oil onto your skin twice daily as though you are applying lotion. One to two weeks of regular use will cure most dry skin, says Conrick. In addition to curing dry skin, neem oil is high in vitamin E and helps restore your skin's elasticity.
Hair Treatment
According to Ellen Norten and Jean Pütz, authors of "Neem: India's Miraculous Healing Plant," boiling neem oil blossoms and washing your hair with the infused water will remedy dry hair and dandruff. Many high-end shampoos and conditioners use neem extract to hydrate the hair and scalp, says Discover Neem. Simply boil 1-cup of fresh or dried neem blossoms in 8 cups of water for 10 minutes to prepare the treatment. Washing the hair with this infused water will not only remedy dry hair and dandruff, but encourage hair growth as well, say Norten and Pütz.