How to Reduce Pitta Dosha
Adjust your diet. Reduce or eliminate warming foods in your diet. Spicy, oily, hot and heavy foods are all warming and aggravate pitta dosha. Some dairy products, egg yolks, red meat and most nuts are warming as well. Reduce these as much as possible. Add whole grains such as barley, wheat and oats to your diet and consider adding cool, sweet fruits and vegetables. Drink peppermint or other herbal teas instead of stimulants such as coffee or soda. Make lunch your primary meal, and make sure you have cooling snacks to eat throughout the day. Pittas should never skip a meal or wait until they are overly hungry before eating. This aggravates their constitution.
Reduce exposure to heat and sun. Avoid spending large amounts of time outside when it is hot and sunny. Pittas need to stay cool physically so they can stay cool mentally and emotionally. The heat can greatly impact a Pitta's mood, nature and behavior.
Avoid heated conversations or situations. Pittas really need to work at staying cool. Avoid emotionally charged conversations or situations. Whenever possible, step away from a debate or conflict. The goal for Pitta is to remain balanced, centered and calm. Pittas will feel their best when they can achieve and maintain a state of peace and calm.
Balance hard work with fun and relaxation. Pittas work hard and need to make time for fun and relaxation in order to achieve balance. Pittas have sharp minds and the ability to juggle multiple projects or demands at the same time. This can lead to burn-out. A regular practice of taking at least 15 or 30 minutes for a relaxing activity can help reduce or balance Pitta dosha.
Spend time in nature and in water. Take a walk in the evening or at night. Visit a nearby park and spend 30 minutes just sitting or meditating. Go for a swim or soak in the bathtub. Pittas need time in nature and in the water in order to stay balanced.
Get enough sleep. Go to bed early and make sure you are getting an adequate amount of sleep. Pittas need a good night's sleep to help them stay energized and productive during the day.