Indian Teenage Acne Remedies

Acne is a common skin problem during adolescence. Indian remedies that claim to target spots and blemishes usually consist of natural products, so they may be less likely to spark side effects than some of the usual Western medications.
  1. Causes

    • The severity of teenage acne varies from person to person and is usually a result of hormonal changes. Traditional Indian medicine, or ayurveda, also identifies other factors that lead to acne, according to Ayurveda Herbal Remedy.

      These occur when the three energies of the body (tridosha) are imbalanced; a breakout of acne, pimples and blackheads occurs. The medieval theory dictates that each person is made up of a tridosha, which consists of five universal elements: aakash (space), vaayu (air), prithvi (earth), agni (fire) and jal (water). The imbalance of these could be triggered by diet, for example, drinking too much alcohol, tea and coffee or eating spicy, oily and fried foods. Lifestyle can also lead to acne, namely pollution, stress and use of harsh skin chemicals.

    Turmeric Face Mask

    • Ayurveda science promotes a homemade facial mask that could combat teenage acne if used weekly. It is made by grinding about five almonds and mixing them with a teaspoon of fresh cream or bio-yogurt, half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, half a teaspoon of gram flour and a few drops of lemon juice. This is applied to the face and neck and left for 15 minutes. These ingredients have skin-toning and antibacterial properties.

    Rose Water and Lemon Juice

    • This is another mixture to be put on the face. Mix rose water and lemon juice in equal amounts and apply directly to the face, according to Ayurveda Herbal Remedy. Be cautious--this should not be applied on the eyes and may sting broken skin. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Rose water is antibacterial and an effective skin toner, so it also can be used as part of a three-step skin routine: wash-tone-moisturize. Lemon juice is a natural astringent.

    Aloe Vera

    • Aloe vera juice is thought to have skin-healing properties and can promote radiance and clarity of the skin all over the body if consumed twice a day in small doses (around two tablespoons). Beware, this can taste bitter and may not be to everybody's taste. Alternatively, you could apply aloe vera pulp directly to the affected skin twice a day to combat acne.

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