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How to make a Saline Solution Neti Pot
Things You'll Need
- Spoon
- Mixing bowl
- 8 oz.. distilled or purified water (or tap water boiled then cooled to room temperature)
- 1/8 tsp. non-iodized salt
Heat cool water on the stove or allow hot water to rest at room temperature until a lukewarm temperature is achieved. To determine if the water is the correct temperature, test a few drops on your wrist.
Measure and pour the salt into the mixing bowl and then add the lukewarm water.
Mix the salt and water together thoroughly, using the spoon, until the salt is completely dissolved. When your spoon can no longer feel the grit of salt crystals in the bottom of the bowl, the salt is entirely dissolved.
Pour the salty water into the neti pot and begin cleansing using your homemade saline solution. Be sure to follow the product's instructions on how to properly use the neti pot.