Ayurvedic Medicine Body Types
About the Doshas
In Ayurveda, the doshas represent dynamic, ever-changing forces that are present in every person. Each dosha has positive attributes and common characteristics that are easily identifiable. When a dosha becomes unbalanced, it may be experienced as a physical symptom, mental state or behavioral tendency.
Individuals who have a Vata constitution are thin and do not easily gain weight. Although Vatas may tire easily, they may find it hard to fall asleep, as their minds are racing. In order to stay balanced, Vatas must get plenty of sleep, keep warm and follow a regular routine. Signs of a Vata imbalance include anxiety, digestive problems, cramps and premenstrual pain.
Having a medium-sized frame with a moderate amount of physical energy, Pittas may feel warm most of the time. Synonymous with "fire," Pittas may have red hair or a fiery personality, which may be quick to anger. Overexposure to sunlight may cause a Pitta to become unbalanced. Although Pittas are intelligent and ambitious by nature, their personality tends to be strong and abrasive at times. In order for Pittas to stay balanced, they must stay hydrated, avoid becoming overheated, avoid alcohol and tobacco and not give in to toxic emotions such as jealousy and hatred. Intense anger, frustration, a ravenous appetite and skin sensitivity are all signs of a Pitta imbalance.
Having a thick, strong frame, Kaphas have a tendency to become overweight. Though they are more resistant to illness than the other doshas, Kaphas have slow digestion. Eating spicy foods is good for Kapha types. Generally calm and affectionate, Kaphas have a positive outlook about life. Getting daily exercise and deep sleep are a must for Kaphas. They must also avoid overeating and should try to include a variety of stimulating activities in their schedule to combat boredom and lethargy. When out of balance, Kaphas may become lazy and stubborn. A Kapha imbalance may cause an individual to become excessively overweight, sleep too much and experience colds, allergy or asthma.
Individuals who posses an equal amount of characteristics from each dosha are known as Tri-Dosha. Because Tri-Doshas don't have a lead dosha, when they are out of balance it can be more difficult to determine the best course of action. However, Tri-Doshas generally have strong immune systems and are more likely to stay in balance. It may be helpful to identify which dosha is dominant in each of the areas of mental characteristics, body type and personality traits to determine what steps to take to bring each of the doshas back into balance. Keeping in balance with the seasons and on schedule with the clock each day will help balance a tri-dosha individual.