Ayurvedic Prostate Treatment
Restoring Balance
According to ayurvedic medicine, prostate problems can be caused by an imbalance in digestion and routine. The main factor is a buildup of ama, or impurities, that can affect many other parts of the body. The first step of ayurvedic treatment is to change the diet. It is recommended that you avoid all foods that are extremes of any kind, including food that is too cold, too bitter, too salty, too spicy, too dry or too sweet. You should employ a moderate diet of mildly spiced organic vegetables, whole grains, light protein soups and sweet, juicy fruits. The mild spices you cook with should be turmeric, ginger and black pepper, as they may have the ability to clear the blood of the ama buildup. Other recommendations are that you drink lots of water, empty your bladder completely when urinating, avoid alcohol, take breaks from your desk at work, sleep regular hours, avoid mental pressure and exercise moderately. Try this ayurvedic regimen for a few weeks to a month and see if there is any affect on your prostate symptoms.
Inflammation and Urine
There are many ayurvedic herbs that have been used to decrease inflammation and improve urine flow. If your ayurvedic diet and routine have only been mildly effective, add one or several of these herbs in combination to your diet plan. The herbs to treat your prostate's inflammation are turmeric and guggul (Indian bedellium). Try white sandalwood and spreading hogweed (punarnava) to improve your flow of urine and reduce irritation. To give the prostate immunity from diseases try heart-leaved moonseed and zinc bhasma. Mineral pitch (shilajit) and barley ash can ensure that impurities are removed from the urine. These different herbs separately or combined can help to stop imbalances in the prostate, which may lead to a disease-free prostate. Some ayurvedic herbs can be purchased at Whole Foods and some may only be available online. It is recommended that you try some of these herbs in addition to your ayurvedic diet for two weeks and evaluate the results.
Direct Prostate Treatment
If you are still experiencing symptoms after changing your diet and adding complementary ayurvedic herbs, try these herbs that directly affect the prostate. Varuna is sometimes referred to as a primary ayurvedic herb for prostate problems. It targets prostate enlargement directly in such conditions as benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH). Kachnar (Bauhinia variegate) is a well-known herb in India for prostate health and improved function. It is the main ingredient of an ayurvedic formula called "Prostate Protection" that includes many of the complementary herbs in Section 2. Areca catechu is a traditional ayurvedic treatment that has been used both as an aphrodisiac and to reduce enlarged prostates. Try one or all three of these herbs in combination with the complementary herbs and your diet change. See an ayurvedic practitioner if symptoms continue or if you wish to inquire about other ayurvedic treatments.