Ayurveda Hair Treatments
Ayurveda analyzes an individual based on his constitution. A constitution is determined by analyzing physical features of the body, as well as likes, dislikes and character traits. The three constitutions are vata, pitta and kapha. An individual can be one or more constitutions, and choosing a hair treatment will vary depending on each constitution. Ayurveda focuses on natural remedies for curing common hair ailments, and each constitution will have a customized remedy depending on the problem.
Some constitutions are more susceptible to certain hair conditions than others. For example, according to Ayurveda-herbal-remedy.com "If a person has a vata constitution, the hairs are dark, dry, coarse, wiry or frizzy and tend to tangle easily, are prone to dullness, split ends and dandruff." People with pitta constitutions are more likely to go gray or bald prematurely, and people with kapha constitutions may have healthy but unruly hair. Those who fall under more than one constitution may have hair traits of both constitutions or be more dominantly one more than the other.
Ayurvedic hair treatments are usually composed of a variety of mixtures and natural treatments. Some of the primary ingredients in creating Ayurvedic treatments are coconut oil, mustard oil and camphor oil. Other facets of maintaining healthy hair are making sure to get physical exercise, have a daily bowel movement, eat plenty of leafy green vegetables, eat a good source of vegetarian protein and massage the scalp.
The primary benefit of following an Ayurvedic hair treatment regime is that not only will you have better looking and healthier hair, but you will be practicing total wellness. Ayurveda is a holistic method of healing and as such treats the entire body and not just the hair. By consulting a specialist in Ayurveda, she will be able to analyze the problems that you are having with your hair and create a customized formula to correct the issue and any underlying causes.
The practice of Ayurveda was founded in India and is part of traditional Indian health theory. Hair treatments play an important role in Ayurvedic total health, because it is thought that the health of the hair, nails, and skin are outward signs on the inner health of a person. The earliest documentation of Ayurvedic practices is in the Vedic period, which lasted from the first to the sixth century B.C. Traditional Indian medicine is practiced in India and around the world today.