Ashwagandha Effects
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center said that in vitro studies show that ashwagandha may reduce growth of breast, central nervous system, colon and lung cancer cells without causing cell death in normal cells.
According to the Chopra Center, ashwagandha is one of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic healing. It has been used since ancient times for many conditions, but is best known for its restorative benefits. The center said, "in Sanskrit, ashwagandha means 'the smell of a horse,' indicating that the herb imparts the vigor and strength of a stallion." It is prescribed to help people strengthen their immune system after an illness.
Ashwagandha is a small bush that originated in Africa, India and the Middle East but now grows in many other areas with mild climates. The plant's leaves are oval, and its blossoms are yellow. The bush also bears small peanut-sized red berries. The healing properties are obtained through the roots and berries of the plant. Ashwagandha's scientific name is Withania somnifera. Common names for the herb are Indian ginseng and winter cherry.
The Chopak Center names ashwagandha properties as steroidal lactones, alkaloids, choline, fatty acids, amino acids and different sugars. It said that numerous studies has been conducted on the plant by medical researchers. Some of the findings suggest the herb offers immune system protection, fights stress, improves learning, memory and reflexes, reduces anxiety and depression, stabilizes blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, reduces brain cell degeneration and gives anti-inflammatory benefits.
The Yoga Journal's article, "Ashwagandha Power," by Miriam Hospodar, states that one factor concerning this herb is that "It increases a heating quality in the head and heart called sadhaka pitta...." Ayurvedic practitioners recommend Ashwagandha be combined with cooling herbs or cooling foods.
Herbs are not held to the strictest government standards through testing at this time. Obtain ashwagandha through a reputable and established supplier in order to have some assurance of its quality, purity and dosage strength. Take ashwagandha only under the direction of your health care provider.
Ashwagandha may induce abortions. Ashwagandha may cause a skin rash or other allergic reactions. Ashwagandha may cause sleepiness or lethargy. Ashwagandha may cause stomach cramping and nausea. Ashwagandha may cause diarrhea.
Ashwagandha may interact negatively with other medications. Do not use ashwagandha if you are pregnant or nursing. Keep ashwagandha out of the reach of children and pets. Do not use before consulting your physician.