What is Guggul Used for?
Guggul has been shown to lower cholesterol levels, although there is a more dramatic lowering of cholesterol when guggul is taken in combination with garlic as part of the diet. The reduction in cholesterol is accredited to guggul enhancing the liver's ability to bind to the LDL, or bad, cholesterol thereby taking it out of the bloodstream. Guggul has also been found to help raise the amount of HDL, or good, cholesterol in the blood, improving the cholesterol ratio.
Noted for its detoxification influences, guggul can be used to cleanse the body when taken in pill or liquid form. To heighten its cleansing attributes, always take guggul as directed, with plenty of water.
Guggul also stimulates the thyroid gland, which is beneficial in speeding up the body's metabolism and reducing weight. Although not currently used as a standard weight loss drug, guggul has been prescribed to help when battling obesity.
Heart Wise
Guggul can also protect the heart from damaging agents such as carcinogens, which have cancer forming properties, introduced into the body. Additionally, blood platelets that would otherwise clump together to form blood clots are inhibited from doing so with guggul treatments.
Guggul has been shown to have certain anti-inflammatory characteristics and has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It has also been used as a headache and pain reliever, and after an intense exercise work out to relieve sore muscles.
Consult your doctor before taking any new medication, herb or oil supplement. If you have a thyroid or liver condition, closely monitor your use of guggul and use it only under a doctor's care. Abdominal pain, diarrhea and nausea are common side effects of guggul, so share any symptoms you experience with your doctor. Do not take guggul while pregnant or trying to become pregnant as there has not been sufficient testing done during pregnancy.