How to Determine Ayurvedic Dosha
Things You'll Need
- Internet Access
Start by noticing on a very gross physical level your body weight and bone structure. Vatas are generally slim, small-boned and slight. They express dryness and movement: dry hair, skin, nails and a tendency towards constipation. They are supreme multitaskers to almost a hazardous degree: talking on the phone while driving, and eating and using a GPS device to find that new bakery where she is running 15 minutes late? What? Who has time to notice the traffic light has turned yellow—she cannot be that late.
Observe if you are more of a medium build and athletic. You have a solid foundation of energy and love to run, bike, ski, swim, surf or garden, hike and walk your dog at a fast clip. Pittas can get hot under the collar and tend to be achievement-oriented.
Sleeping is the favorite pastime of mellow and big-hearted Kaphas. They move and talk slowly and deliberately. During earthquakes and other natural disasters, the Kaphas calmly remind people to put on their heavy shoes, find their wallets and move to the exits, while other people panic or scream. Heavyset and sometimes overweight, Kaphas have a legendary sweet tooth.
Assess your energy patterns. Vatas tend to be insomniacs with irregular eating and sleeping habits: they fly but later can crash and burn. Pittas steam ahead but also can bull doze over their co-workers in order to achieve a goal. Athletic and eager to meet challenges and surpass goals, Pittas in overdrive can result in stress headaches or hypertension if they are very Type A.Kaphas have stamina but do not like to exercise. If healthy, Kaphas can keep up with anyone but the point is that they are not interested in sprinting to the finish line. If unhealthy, Kaphas can become stagnant and sluggish.
Understand that learning about Ayurveda can provide you with tools for better self-care, not as a way to "categorize" you or judge yourself harshly. The goal of Ayurveda is to understand your natural instincts and to work with nature to improve your healthy.Be aware that you may be a Vata-Pitta or even a Vata-Pitta-Kapha. Your basic dosha profile will not change.
Learn more details by checking Sources below. Determining your dosha based on these broad categories of body type, body build, energy levels and personality traits is a starting point. As a complex subject (yourself), learning how Ayurveda can help you reduce your insomnia (Vatas), reduce your impatience (Pittas), or help prompt you out of stagnation (Kapha), you can read trade journals or take informal “dosha quizzes” that can help give you insight to yourself.Rather than hard and fast rules, consider Ayurveda as a way to consolidate information you already know ab